Books I'm Loving This Summer
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and Through the Chakras by Savitri Simpson.
As a frustrated writer (meaning I often harass myself about not writing) with way too many other passions, I can struggle with how to best live a creative life.
Maybe you've that same concern. Am I doing what I am meant to do creatively? Is this the right balance I need? How can I live a creative life while working full-time, even with work I love?
I enjoy reading before I go to sleep and while traveling on a plane or train. This summer, these two books have been keeping my attention and are honestly pretty inspiring.
First is Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic (thanks Janice Gervais for the recommendation). Gilbert wrote Eat, Pray, Love. She's funny and very smart. She'll challenge how you're looking at life and help put fear in the background. The second book concerns the basic concept of energy and where energy gets stuck. It's Nayaswami Savitri’s new fiction book on chakras. Wrapped around an intriguing story, she makes complex, ancient Ayurveda concepts more practical and useful (Through the Chakras, A Tale of Adventure in the Seven Golden Pyramids). Happy Reading this Summer. Do you have any suggestions to share?
Savitri is my teacher from many years ago and previously wrote a excellent book called Chakras for Starters. We met up together on my recent retreat in Northern California.