Diane Grimard Wilson Diane Grimard Wilson

We Weren’t Built for This: The Neuroscience of Surviving Our Election Season

It’s easy to lose track of the toll this election season is taking on us. We are living in an intensely emotional and complex period, filled with divisive and negative political exchanges and commentary. The levels of social incivility in the omnipresent news and social media realms seem unprecedented. Our nervous system was not built for this and, without help, it may be dangerous in ways we don’t realize.

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Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson

Traumatic Brain Injury: All in Your Head?

By Diane Wilson from Viewpoints in the Wednesday Journal.

We all know someone who went through an event like a car accident, military tour, or sports injury and never seems quite the same. They often turn inward and make their world very small, withdrawing from friends and family. Life feels too complicated, and their self-esteem takes a beating. They look at life from the outside, wondering if they will ever feel normal again. They see doctor after doctor who can't tell them what's wrong.

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