Sleep Apnea Treatment: What They Don’t Tell You
Turns out, a lot of people give up on their sleep apnea treatment. Why? They just can’t get used to the mask that’s supposed to help them breathe through the night. That was almost my experience too.
Meditation: Even Better Than I Thought
Yes, meditation can be a part of brain training. It’s a superpower which helps in many ways. It’s a wonderful supplement to the primary component of my practice: neurofeedback. And it’s an excellent aid for my clients who are focused on peak performance, have anxiety concerns and are dealing sleep issues and ADD.
Precious Sleep: Getting Past Those Haunting Dreams
Sarah (not her real name) was an insomniac.
When trying to close her eyes and relax each night, a freight train was rushing by in her mind, each car filled with ideas, fears, anxieties; ideas, fears, anxieties; ideas, fears, anxieties. Instead of bringing relief, sleeping pills and alcohol had only pulled her into an added problem with addiction.
QEEG Brain Scan & Assessment Services (Limited Offer)
When I talk with people about my neurofeedback work, the response is often the same: "That's amazing, you do brain scans? I'd like to do that some day."
Now you have the opportunity.
What I Did This Summer
Anyone who has ever driven I-80 any long distance, especially from Chicago going east, will testify to the monotony and beauty of the trip. The peaceful journey through farmland was a sharp contrast to the intense, fast-paced conference on innovations in neuroscience and treatment at my Cleveland destination.