Sweet Serene Sleep: Navigating Holiday Stress to Create Real Joy
In a world that can feel quite stressful and like everyone wants something from you, let’s talk about wonderful, nourishing, and yummy sleep. A bit of a problem for many.
The holiday season, a mix of joyous reunions and weighty obligations, often ushers in a blend of good and bad stress. Amidst connecting with loved ones, exchanging thoughtful gifts, and attending parties, we may also feel the pressure to meet numerous seasonal demands as well as experience the longing for those absent from our orbit this year.
Resilience Reset: Power Pause Invitation
A Complimentary Special Offering
Are you worried about COVID-19 and related, your health. family, or job? As we work our way through this unprecedented time of global pandemic. there is one thing for certain:
Panic makes everything worse.
The Commitment
A health commitment doesn’t have to be hard. That little walk on a day when you’d rather stay inside can reveal a wonderland you’d never want to miss.
Ancient Grounding for E-Day
Today is the day before we elect our next president and the world is swimming with vrittis of chitta (swirls of energy), as am I. There is concern about what will happen and how it will affect us all. I can’t have all this in my head and concentrate today. So I am meditating on this:
Election Season Craziness
As a psychotherapist and coach, I say with certainty that many people are stressed now. The constant chaos around who said what outrageous thing and who is telling the truth is like a thick veil of ugliness that weighs heavy. Maintaining good mental health is a bigger project than it usually is.
Here are 8 ways to cope:
Is Your Limbic Brain Showing?
Have you ever had a boss or been a boss for whom everything was an emotional issue?
As a leadership coach, one major pattern I often see that gets leaders in trouble has to do with brain function. I'll make this simple. Different parts of the brain do different things. Operating from different locations, particularly the Limbic Brain or Prefrontal Cortex, can help or hurt our efforts.