Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

Thanksgiving Day: Feeling Out of It?

Holidays come with high expectations for ourselves and others.  Good stress. Bad stress. No matter what the brain may say, the heart longs for happily sitting around a large table with lots of food, family, and friends this time of the year. If this is your life today on Thanksgiving, enjoy it. 

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Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson

Art, Love & Neurobiology

For many years, I wanted to be a member at Art Institute of Chicago. I thought about it each time I received one of their tasteful email invitations. I imagined if I were a member, I would just go there, with no excuse not to, and it would be a wonderful part of my life. Membership was one of those things that sounded good, but I never did it. 

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Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson

The Old Man, Washed Away by the Sea

What happened to transform a brash, fearless world traveler and adventurer into a shy and paranoid man as he approached 60 and died at 61? After 17 years of meticulous research, forensic psychiatrist Andrew Farah addresses this question in his recent book, Hemingway's Brain.

By Diane Wilson from Viewpoints in the Wednesday Journal.

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

We Crave Dark Nights

There is a link between low levels of melatonin and cancer, specifically breast, ovarian, and prostate. Recent studies show that exposure to light at night can actually increase tumor growth. Melatonin production is suppressed and normal circadian rhythms are interrupted. Learn more about what you can do. 

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Reflections Diane Grimard Wilson Reflections Diane Grimard Wilson

Anniversary Effects & Social Media: When a Pop-Up May Decode Life

Last week I felt like I hadn't had enough vacation time even though I was just returning from the long holiday break. The fact that it was consistently less than 10 degrees outside certainly was a factor but another was my deep sense of fatigue. My spirits picked up some once in the office. Lots of self-care over time helped too – yoga, Zumba and sleep -- but I still felt tired. 

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

Ancient Grounding for E-Day

Today is the day before we elect our next president and the world is swimming with vrittis of chitta (swirls of energy), as am I. There is concern about what will happen and how it will affect us all. I can’t have all this in my head and concentrate today. So I am meditating on this: 

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

Election Season Craziness

As a psychotherapist and coach, I say with certainty that many people are stressed now. The constant chaos around who said what outrageous thing and who is telling the truth is like a thick veil of ugliness that weighs heavy. Maintaining good mental health is a bigger project than it usually is.

Here are 8 ways to cope:

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

Meditation: Even Better Than I Thought

Yes, meditation can be a part of brain training. It’s a superpower which helps in many ways. It’s a wonderful supplement to the primary component of my practice: neurofeedback. And it’s an excellent aid for my clients who are focused on peak performance, have anxiety concerns and are dealing sleep issues and ADD.

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

Is Your Limbic Brain Showing?

Have you ever had a boss or been a boss for whom everything was an emotional issue?  

As a leadership coach, one major pattern I often see that gets leaders in trouble has to do with brain function. I'll make this simple. Different parts of the brain do different things. Operating from different locations, particularly the Limbic Brain or Prefrontal Cortex, can help or hurt our efforts. 

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Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson Counseling Diane Grimard Wilson

It's in the Eyes: Moving Past Trauma to Reach Your Peak

I became fascinated by memory and trauma after being in a car accident. As you may know, one day I was sitting in my car at a stoplight, minding my own business, and was broadsided by another driver. Of course, this kind of trauma changed my life. But eventually, with the help of family, friends and a great neurotherapist, I mustered the effort to heal and go forward.

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Reflections Diane Grimard Wilson Reflections Diane Grimard Wilson

Things I'm Learning About Death

This is the year of my mother’s passing.

I ask myself, from my training as a psychotherapist and coach and from my humble and flawed background as a daughter and sister, having made all possible mistakes, what I can share that might make life less difficult for you? Here are my lessons learned, so far:

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Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson Neurofeedback Diane Grimard Wilson

Precious Sleep: Getting Past Those Haunting Dreams

Sarah (not her real name) was an insomniac.

When trying to close her eyes and relax each night, a freight train was rushing by in her mind, each car filled with ideas, fears, anxieties; ideas, fears, anxieties; ideas, fears, anxieties. Instead of bringing relief, sleeping pills and alcohol had only pulled her into an added problem with addiction.

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