Sleep Apnea Treatment: What They Don’t Tell You
Turns out, a lot of people give up on their sleep apnea treatment. Why? They just can’t get used to the mask that’s supposed to help them breathe through the night. That was almost my experience too.
We Weren’t Built for This: The Neuroscience of Surviving Our Election Season
It’s easy to lose track of the toll this election season is taking on us. We are living in an intensely emotional and complex period, filled with divisive and negative political exchanges and commentary. The levels of social incivility in the omnipresent news and social media realms seem unprecedented. Our nervous system was not built for this and, without help, it may be dangerous in ways we don’t realize.
A Brain Thing: Unexpected Love for Opera
A brain thing: I never intended to love opera. It felt pretentious and fake. That started to change when I let myself NOT like it even though many people I know do, they say... I got honest deep inside: “I don’t care who likes this screaming but, not me.”
Navigating the Holiday Office Party: A Guide for Introverts
As a therapist and executive coach, I often find my clients grappling with the unique challenge of the annual holiday work party. The anxiety starts days before the event, and the thought of navigating conversations and crowds can be downright terrifying. Whether at the top of the organizational hierarchy or nestled in the middle, stepping outside our comfort zones to be surrounded by everyone in the workplace is overwhelming. The fear of feeling awkward and alone makes the entire prospect seem less than enjoyable.
Sweet Serene Sleep: Navigating Holiday Stress to Create Real Joy
In a world that can feel quite stressful and like everyone wants something from you, let’s talk about wonderful, nourishing, and yummy sleep. A bit of a problem for many.
The holiday season, a mix of joyous reunions and weighty obligations, often ushers in a blend of good and bad stress. Amidst connecting with loved ones, exchanging thoughtful gifts, and attending parties, we may also feel the pressure to meet numerous seasonal demands as well as experience the longing for those absent from our orbit this year.
A Book's Cover: Art, Intuition, Destiny
The cover of a book is crucial from both the personal and public sides. Personally, it’s so grounding if it feels like a fit. And, from the outside, we hope to represent the story or at least pique the curiosity of the potential reader. A picture really is worth even more than 1,000 words.
"Voices in the Pandemic" Backstory: Dacre Knight, MD, MS
Meeting Dr. Dacre Knight on social media was one of the catalysts for creating this podcast series, “Voices in the Pandemic.” My hope was that more people could meet him and people like him to learn about their work and lives during this extraordinary time. His voice may not be the loudest or with messages designed as “clickbait.” Still, it's an important one for more people to hear about — sharing science as well as our human stories.
Job Crisis: Neuroscience & the Art of Pivot
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began: Have you lost your job, had your hours dramatically reduced, or taken a pay cut? Or, do you constantly wonder if such a fate is just around the corner? Be assured you are not alone if you are suffering from employment insecurity. Keep reading for stories of inspiration and seven ways to help pivot your brain to a better situation.
Resilience Reset: Power Pause Invitation
A Complimentary Special Offering
Are you worried about COVID-19 and related, your health. family, or job? As we work our way through this unprecedented time of global pandemic. there is one thing for certain:
Panic makes everything worse.
Crisis = Danger + Opportunity
Yesterday, it was hard to cancel my in-person coaching and therapy appointments. The global public health pandemic instructions are that we do not travel unless necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For me, there is almost nothing like sitting across from someone. The risk of my clients traveling on public transportation or even in cabs was disconcerting so canceling the in-person was the only option.
Loving Gaze and Career/Life Success
Eye contact is powerful. It reminded me of another group I attended a while ago. People didn’t look much at others unless it was to exchange glances about someone else (eye-roll type thing). I always felt awful after attending it. After New Year’s Eve, I better understand why.
The Commitment
A health commitment doesn’t have to be hard. That little walk on a day when you’d rather stay inside can reveal a wonderland you’d never want to miss.
Neurofeedback and Performance
Sports are the greatest test of concentration, flexibility and problem solving. Increasingly we see more reports of competitive athletes drawing on the benefits of biofeedback and neurofeedback (biofeedback for the brain).
Many athletes including Kirk Cousins , Kerri Walsh-Jennings, and Lucas Giolito have shown the promise of using neurofeedback in sports. So, how does neurofeedback affect a person's ability to play sports?
Organic Farming Pioneer Visits Chicago
Lisa is involved again this year with the exciting One Earth Film Festival which exposes thousands of people to new ideas on our health and relationship to Mother Earth. I asked her to write up a couple blogs on her favorite films featured in the Festival so you can consider them. Check into these, join in and enjoy a community of kindred spirits.
"I’ll Pay You Back..."
So my niece went crazy at the Dollar Store and TJ Maxx.
The project was to get things for a wellness package to distribute to homeless people over Thanksgiving weekend.
She had done some research on what those living in the streets need most and it was socks and, believe it or not, foot fungus cream. Anyone in the world would feel better in the socks she got.
On Thanksgiving: Kids Can Save Us
We got to Macy’s with hopes of touring their magical holiday windows when we were approached by a homeless man asking for money. Vivienne was surprised to have someone talk to us that we didn’t know. When we declined to contribute, she stood still. The crowd was thick and pushing to see the enchanting story land thru the State Street Macy’s windows. She just stood still and looked up at us.
How to Make Your Vacation Last After Returning to Life
Many people take vacations, love them, but then after returning home, they feel like they are back in the same grind counting down till they can leave again. Here are a few simple suggestions to get the most out of your vacation.
Summer Road Trip!
Recently, I had the choice of flying from Chicago to a conference in Minneapolis or driving with a group of cohorts for the 6-hour trip. In the end, I decided in favor of banter and bonding. My husband was baffled, but it sounded like fun to me as it would give my colleagues and me the opportunity to talk, not talk and just be together driving thru the country.
Celebrating Einstein, 5 Ways to Grow Your Genius
Einstein has been a hero of mine since I was a kid. The reasons for that have changed over time. Early on, I just loved his unruly hair, how both rebellious and distinguished he looked at the same time. Also, he was considered a true genius for his scientific discoveries, like E= MC squared — whatever that meant.
This article will help you celebrate Einstein's genius and cultivate your own.
Memory, Rhythm, Clapping: The Power of a Millisecond
I was planning an event with a friend, and he said: “Well, as you know, my brain works much faster than yours…” That was like a red flag being waved in front of me.
Internal scream: “WHAT?!”